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点击次数:2872 更新时间:2009-03-31

     南京杰曼绑扎件制造有限公司是由德国绑扎件制造有限公司(German Lashing Robert Bock GMBH)和中国远洋运输集团(COSCO)共同创建的中外合资企业,专门从事集装箱绑扎件的制造与售后服务。中方与德方各占50%股份。公司1998年筹建,次年4月投产,短短数年时间的飞速发展,GERMAN LASHING 品牌现已跻身世界绑扎件行业前3强,2005年生产销售出口额达2亿元。

    German Lashing Robert Böck GmbH is a German-owned company with it's headquarters in Germany, China and a global network of trained agents. More than three decades of experience in the manufacture and supply of container stowage and lashing systems have turned German Lashing into a leading mark of excellence, which is recognised and preferred worldwide.

    German Lashing designs, manufactures, sells and services complete solutions for the container handling industry, globally accepted and certified by all classification societies. As a leader and specialist in container securing technology, a dedicated highly experienced staff is constantly endeavouring to optimise container stowage and lashing systems, to provide highest levels of customer service, workmanship and product reliability. German Lashing has customers around the world including shipyards, ship owners, ship managers and consultants.


中国远洋运输(集团)总公司的前身,是成立于1961年4月27日的中国远洋运输公司。1993年2月16日组建以中国远洋运输(集团)总公司为核心企业的中国远洋运输集团。经过几代中远人40余年的艰苦创业,依靠智慧、勤劳和真诚,带着光荣与梦想,中远集团已由成立之初的4艘船舶、2.26万载重吨的单一型航运企业,发展成为今天拥有和经营着600余艘现代化商船、3500余万载重吨、年货运量超过3亿吨的综合型跨国企业集团。作为以航运、物流为核心主业的性企业集团,中远在拥有近千家成员单位、8万余名员工。在中国本土,中远集团分布在广州、上海、天津、青岛、大连、厦门、香港等地的全资船公司经营管理着集装箱、散装、特种运输和油轮等各类型远洋运输船队;在海外,以日本、韩国、新加坡、北美、欧洲、澳大利亚、南非和西亚8大区域为辐射点,以船舶航线为纽带,形成遍及世界各主要地区的跨国经营网络。标有“COSCO” 醒目标志的船舶和集装箱在世界160多个国家和地区的1300多个港口往来穿梭。




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